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  • campus de helix
    katholiek secundair onderwijs | Maasmechelen
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  • campus de helix
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Openingsuren in de zomervakantie | van 1 juli tot en met 5 juli 2024 | van 19 augustus tot en met 31 augustus 2024 | van 9 tot 16 uur



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geschiedenis en aardrijkskunde
in het engels


ontdek campus de helix


Erasmus+ at campus de helix

Campus de helix has two approved Erasmus+ projects: one for students and one for teachers.

Business support @ Valencia

7th Business support students will work as a trainee for 15 days in Valencia (Spain). The exact period in which the traineeship will take place depends on Covid-19 measures in the near future. The traineeship locations are very diverse. They are situated in the tourism sector, so that students can use English and at the same time no high level of Spanish is required. Each student will work as a trainee in a company for two weeks. By working at the same location for two weeks, they get to know the place better and the chance of getting accustomed is greater. The students work on different competences depending on the traineeship company. Thanks to the traineeship in Spain they get to know the working conditions in another country. They will get to know the Spanish context regarding business support, starting a business and online marketing. They will come into contact with other habits and a different way of life, through which they will develop a broader view of the world.

European training of teachers in 21st-century competences

Twelve teachers from campus the helix will take part in an international course on 21st-century competences. The same teachers will go on a job shadowing mission in a foreign school. The foreign training will focus on the three themes of our school: LEARNING – LIFE – SOCIETY. Internationalization offers campus helix the opportunity to get in contact with other institutions, partners and schools and to become acquainted with other educational systems and with different school cultures. How are 21st-century competences applied in other schools and in different cultural contexts? Based on these experiences, a comparative study can be made to take actions targeting the needs of campus the helix.

Team leekrachten

Erasmus+ op campus de helix

Campus de helix heeft twee goedgekeurde Erasmus+-projecten: een project voor leerlingen en een voor leerkrachten.

Business support @ Valencia

Leerlingen van 7 Business support liepen vanaf 30 mei 2022 gedurende 15 dagen stage in Valencia (Spanje). De stageplaatsen waren erg gevarieerd. Ze zijn gesitueerd in de toeristische sector, zodat de leerlingen in het Engels kunnen werken en er tegelijkertijd geen hoog niveau Spaans vereist is. Iedere leerling liep gedurende twee weken stage in een stagebedrijf. Door twee weken op dezelfde plaats te werken leerden ze de plek goed kennen en was er een grote kant op inwerken. Afhankelijk van het stagebedrijf werkten de leerlingen aan andere competenties. Dankzij de stage in Spanje leerden ze de werkomstandigheden in een ander land kennen. Ze leerden de Spaanse context kennen wat betreft business support, het opstarten van een bedrijf en online marketing. Ze kwamen in contact met andere gewoonten en een andere manier van leven, waardoor ze een bredere kijk op de wereld ontwikkelden.

stage valencia

Europese navorming van leerkrachten in 21ste-eeuwse competenties

Zestien leerkrachten en directieleden van campus de helix hebben in de voorbije schooljaren deelgenomen aan internationale cursussen over 21ste-eeuwse competenties. Deze leerkrachten gingen eveneens op jobshadowing in een buitenlandse school. De buitenlandse navormingen focussen op de drie thema's van onze school: LEREN - LEVEN - MAATSCHAPPIJ. Het internationaliseren biedt campus de helix de mogelijkheid om contacten te leggen met andere instituten, partners en scholen en kennis te maken met andere onderwijssystemen en met verschillende schoolculturen. Hoe worden 21ste-eeuwse competenties gehanteerd in andere scholen en in andere culturele contexten? Op basis hiervan kan een vergelijkende studie worden gemaakt om acties te ondernemen gericht op de noden van campus de helix.

Team leerkrachten

Erasmus+ at campus de helix

Campus de helix has two approved Erasmus+ projects: one for students and one for teachers.

Business support @ Valencia

7th Business support students will work as a trainee for 15 days in Valencia (Spain). The traineeship locations are very diverse. They are situated in the tourism sector, so that students can use English and at the same time no high level of Spanish is required. Each student will work as a trainee in a company for two weeks. By working at the same location for two weeks, they get to know the place better and the chance of getting accustomed is greater. The students work on different competences depending on the traineeship company. Thanks to the traineeship in Spain they get to know the working conditions in another country. They will get to know the Spanish context regarding business support, starting a business and online marketing. They will come into contact with other habits and a different way of life, through which they will develop a broader view of the world.

European training of teachers in 21st-century competences

Twelve teachers from campus the helix would take part in an international course on 21st-century competences. The same teachers will go on a job shadowing mission in a foreign school. The foreign training will focus on the three themes of our school: LEARN – LIVE – SOCIETY. Internationalization offers campus helix the opportunity to get in contact with other institutions, partners and schools and to become acquainted with other educational systems and with different school cultures. How are 21st-century competences applied in other schools and in different cultural contexts? Based on these experiences, a comparative study can be made to take actions targeting the needs of campus the helix.

Erasmus+ Blog Journi

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